00:00:00:01 - 00:00:22:04 Kate Welcome back. I'm Kate from Psych for Life. So as you fill out your diary, you start to notice patterns and you may be wondering what specific things can I be doing to get more sleep in the next few videos. We'll be going over how to stick to a consistent sleep schedule. What to do during the day to help you get better sleep. 00:00:23:16 - 00:00:56:07 Kate How are your food and drinking habits affect your sleep? How to wind down before bed. How to get your bedroom ready for sleep. What to do if you have trouble falling asleep What to do if you wake up in the middle of the night? And how to start your day off on the right foot If you're a parent, be sure to check out our video on how to help your kids get better sleep as we go through these. 00:00:56:11 - 00:01:16:20 Kate Remember, you don't have to do everything all at once. Actually, you are less likely to be successful if you do. After we go through the tips will help you to decide where to start. And how to keep track of your progress. Don't give up. Keep trying small changes until you're feeling well-rested and good about your sleep. 00:01:20:00 - 00:01:24:00 Kate To start exploring these tips one by one, join us in the next video.