PEARL Lab; Perception, Ecological Action, Robotics, and Learning Lab (McBeath)

Our research aims to tackle a wide range of challenging questions to better understand perception and action. We employ different strategies to answer these questions, such as approaching perception from the perspective of sports, robotics, and illusions.
The PEARL Lab studies topics in the domains of Perception, Ecological Action, Robotics, and Learning. Recent directions include studying subjective perception, time perception, color perception (and tetrachromacy), sound symbolism, and music. Students interested in game design, Unity, or instrumentation are strongly encouraged to join. Students can choose level of involvement ranging from helping run participants to actually developing and working on independent research projects. This is a great opportunity for students interested in pursuing graduate school in experimental science.
The lab's major research streams are:
- Perception-Action and Navigation in Sports
- Robotics and Cognitive Engineering
- Object, Space and Orientation Perception
- Auditory Pitch, Pattern, and Form Perception
- Time Perception & Subjective Perception
Lab Director and Principal Investigator: Michael McBeath, PhD, Professor
Dr. McBeath was trained in the emerging area combining Psychology and Engineering. He majored in both fields for his Bachelors degree from Brown University, received a Masters of Science in Instrumentation from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and earned his Doctoral degree from Stanford University in Psychology with a minor in Electrical Engineering. Parallel to his academic career, he worked as a research scientist, both at NASA - Ames Research Center, and at the Interval Corporation, a technology think tank funded by Microsoft co-founder, Paul Allen. His research has been funded by grants from the Interval Corporation, the National Science Foundation and the Office of Naval Research.
Graduate Students
Fellow PhD Co-Authors
Directional Motion Biases
- Curved Apparent Motion: McBeath, M.K. & Shepard, R. N. (1989). Apparent motion between shapes differing in location and orientation: A window technique for estimating path curvature. Perception & Psychophysics, 46(4), 333-337.
- 3-D Curved Apparent Motion: McBeath, M.K. (1990). Comparison of four models that describe path of apparent motion. 70th annual convention of Western Psychological Association, Los Angeles, CA. (April).
- Shape and Apparent Motion: McBeath, M.K. (1990). The effect of object shape path of apparent motion. 70th annual convention of Western Psychological Association, Los Angeles, CA. (April).
- Geometric Illusion Bends A.M. Path and Liar-Müller: McBeath, M.K. Geometric illusion bends the path of apparent motion. Paper presented at the 71st Annual Convention of the Western Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA, April 1991.
- Leftward Motion Bias: Morikawa, K. & McBeath, M.K. (1992). Lateral motion bias associated with reading direction. Vision Research, 32(6), 1137-1141.
- Downward Motion Bias: McBeath, M.K. & Kaiser, M.K. (1992). Visual bias for gravitationally downward motion. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 33(4), 1143. (Ms. No. 2257).
- Looming Motion Bias: Lewis, C.F., & McBeath, M.K. (2004). Bias to experience approaching motion in a three-dimensional virtual environment. Perception. 33(3), 259-276.
- Auditory-Consistent Visual Motion Bias: McBeath, M.K., Addie, J., & Krynen, R.C. (2019). Auditory capture of visual apparent motion, both laterally and looming. Acta Psychologica, 193, 105-112.
- Motor-Consistent Visual Motion Bias: Glenberg, A.M., Lopez-Mobilia G., McBeath, M.K., Toma, M., Sato M, & Cattaneo L. (2010) Knowing beans: Human mirror mechanisms revealed through motor adaptation. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 4(206),1-6.
- Forward-Facing Motion Bias: McBeath, M.K., Morikawa, K., & Kaiser, M.K. (1992). Perceptual bias for forward-facing motion. Psychological Science. 3 (6), 362-367.
- Football Axis-Aligned Motion Bias: Dolgov, I., McBeath, M.K., & Sugar, T.G. (2009). Evidence for axis-aligned motion bias: Footballs axis-trajectory misalignment causes systematic error in projected final destination of thrown American footballs. Perception, 38(3), 399-410.
- Axis-Aligned Motion Bias: Dolgov, I., Birchfield, D.A., McBeath, M.K., Thornburg, H. & Todd, C.G. (2009) Amelioration of axis-aligned motion bias for active versus stationary judgments of bilaterally symmetric shapes’ final destinations. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 71(3), 523-529.
- Axis-Aligned Motion Bias - Navigating: Dolgov, I., Birchfield, D.A., McBeath, M.K., Thornburg, H. & Todd, C.G. (2009). Perception of approaching & retreating shapes in a large, immersive, multimedia learning environment. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 108(2), 623-630.
- Right Turn Bias: Scharine, A.A. & McBeath, M.K. (2002) Right handers and Americans favor turning to the right. Human Factors. 44(1), 248-256.
- Kids No Right Walking Bias: Dye, R.A., Crawford, T.M. & McBeath, M.K. (2014) Absence of lateral navigational bias in young children. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 119(1), 292-300.
- Group Additivity Right Walking Bias: Bills, A.K., Langley, M., & McBeath, M.K. (in progress).
Space & Orientation Perc.
- Assumption of 3-D Symmetry: McBeath, M.K., Schiano, D.J., & Tversky, B. (1997). Three-dimensional bilateral symmetry assumed in judging figural identity and orientation. Psychological Science. 8(3), 217-223.
- Natural Selection of Asymmetric Traits: McBeath, M.K., & Sugar, T.G. (2005). Natural selection of asymmetric traits operates at multiple levels, Brain & Behavioral Sciences, 28(4), 605-606.
- Topographic Natural-Selection Fitness Representation: McBeath, M.K. & Dolgov, I.D. (2010). A dynamic, topographic natural-selection fitness representation and the evolution of conscious awareness as a mechanism for rapid plastic adaptation. Toward a Science of Consciousness 2010 meeting. Tucson(April 16).
- Symmetry Verticality: Schiano, D.J., McBeath, M.K., & Chambers, K.W. (2008). Regularity of symmetry verticality guides perceptual judgments of objects. American Journal of Psychology. 121(2) 209-227.
- Object Top Salience: Chambers, K.W., McBeath, M.K., Schiano, D.J. and Metz, E. (1999). Tops are more salient than bottoms. Perception & Psychophysics. 61(4), 625-635.
- Scene Bottom Salience: Langley, M., & McBeath, M.K. (2021). Psychonomics 2021.
- Canonical Object Orientation: Khalil, S.L. & McBeath, M.K. (2006). Canonical representation: An examination of preferences for viewing and depicting 3-dimensional objects. Journal of Vision. 6(6). 267a. (Ms. No. 267). <http://www.journalofvision.org/6/6/267>
- Continents, Cacti, and Clocks: Anthropomorphic Symmetry: McBeath, M.K. & Khalil, S.L. (2017). Cacti, clocks and continents: Canonicality and near-symmetry in drawings and web images, Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society, 22, 34. (Ms.No.160, p.34). Langley, M., McBeath, M.K., and Khalil, S. (2020). Canonicality and anthropomorphism in cacti in imagery and comics, Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society, 25, 241. (Ms.No.2343, p.241).
- Baseball Poggendorff Illusion: Oberle, C.D., Hollums, N.K., McBeath, M.K., & Terry, D.P. (2006). Motion by nearby players biases perception but not action in judgments of baseball destination. Perceptual & Motor Skills. 103, 585-606.
- Body Tilt Illusion: Jewell, J.G. & McBeath, M.K. (1998). A mapping of the distortion in the representation of proprioceptive space. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 39(4), S1096. (Ms. No. 5077). Jewell, J.G., McBeath, M.K. & Schiano, D.J. (2000). Distortions in body orientation follow egocentric rather than world-based coordinate system. Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society. 5, 1. (Ms. No. 5).
- Sex Differences in Tilt Perception: Naylor, Y.K. & McBeath, M.K. (2008). Gender Differences in Spatial Perception of Body Tilt. Perception & Psychophysics. 70(2), 199-207.
- Blind Tilt Perception: McBeath, M.K., & Naylor. (2012). Blind individuals experience a larger body tilt illusion than do the sighted. Journal of Vision, 12(9), 579. <http://www.journalofvision.org/content/12/9/579> McBeath, M.K. & Naylor, Y. (2012). Crying babies enhance body tilt illusion for both the blind and sighted. Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society. 17, 36. (Ms. No. 170, p 69 of pdf). <http://www.psychonomic.org/Assets/91293d70-a509-4ee6-b3d0-3128173edf01/635239516391270000/ps-2012-abstract-book-web-pdf>
- Drunk Tilt Perception: Some day with Will Corbin
Time Perception
- The Velocity of Apparent Motion: McBeath, M.K. (1990). The Velocity of Apparent Motion. Ph.D. Dissertation. Department of Psychology, Stanford University. <https://www.proquest.com/docview/303857605>
- Baseball Rising Fastball Illusion: McBeath, M.K. (1990). The rising fastball: Baseball's impossible pitch. Perception, 19 (4),545-552.
Tennis Ball Location Judgment: McBeath, M.K., [Tang, T.Y.,] & Lane, S.M. (1995). Judgments of tennis serve location systematically vary with vantage angle and ball speed. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 36(4), S360. (Ms. No. 1689). - Multisensory Baseball Safe-vs-Out: Krynen, R. C. & McBeath, M. K. (2019). Baseball’s Sight-Audition Farness Effect (SAFE) when Umpiring Baserunners: Judging Precedence of Competing Visual versus Auditory Events. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 45(1), 67-81. <http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/xhp0000588>
- Basketball Who Touched Last: Tang, T. Y. & McBeath, M.K. (2019). Who hit the ball out: A temporal order bias. Science Advances, 5(4), EAAV5698.
- Basketball Who Touched Last2: Tang, T.Y. & McBeath, M.K. (2020). Egocentric temporal order bias robust across manipulations of cue predictability and sensory modality, Scientific Reports, 10(2958). doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-59912-5.
- Action, Prediction, or Attention: Cause of ETO Bias: Tang, T. Y., & McBeath, M.K. (2021). Action, prediction, or attention: The “Egocentric Temporal Order Bias” supports a constructive model of perception. Submitted.
- Speed of Human Stadium Wave: McBeath, M.K. & Krynen, R.C. (2015). Velocity of the human stadium or “Mexican” la ola wave: Systematic variations due to type and direction. Journal of Vision, 15(12), 748. <http://jov.arvojournals.org/article.aspx?articleid=2433856>
- Basketball Shooting in Rhythm: McBeath, M.K., Flood, C., McPeake, S. & Brooks, S. (2021).
- Clock Rate What vs Where Systems – Shape: Holloway, S.R. & McBeath, M.K. (2013). Independent objective timing tests designed to measure processing rates of dorsal and ventral visual systems, Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuroscience, 1(2),15-20.
- Clock Rate What vs Where Systems – Color: Krynen, R.C. & McBeath, M.K. (2021). The temporal clocking rates of Where (Dorsal) and What (Ventral) visual systems: Measurement of motion and color-hue direction thresholds. Online presentation at the 21st Annual Vision Sciences Society Meeting, Online, May 2021.
- Rainbow Stripes: Krynen, R.C. & McBeath, M.K. (2020). Rainbow stripes: Categorical perception of color, Journal of Vision, 20(11), 1792. doi: 10.1167/jov.20.11.1792
- False Colors Characteristics for Tri- and Di-Chromats: Krynen, R.C. & McBeath, M.K. (In progress). Seeing false color even better: Factors that affect perception of Benham’s Top for normal and colorblind viewers.
- The Majestic Mentor Mantle: McBeath, M.K. (In prep)
- Behavioral Frequency-Rate Needs Pyramid: McBeath, M.K. (In prep)
Catching & Interception
- Baseball Outfielder Problem: McBeath, M.K., Shaffer, & Kaiser (1995). How baseball outfielders determine where to run to catch a fly ball. Science, 268(5210), 569-573.
- Outfielder Problem - Science Letters: McBeath, M.K., Shaffer, & Kaiser (1995). Play ball. Science, 268(5218), 1681-1685. McBeath, M.K., Shaffer, & Kaiser (1996). On catching fly balls. Science, 273(5272), 256-259.
- The Geometry of Consciousness: McBeath, M. K., Tang, T. Y., & Shaffer, D. M. (2018). The geometry of consciousness. Consciousness and Cognition, 64, 207-215.
- Dog Frisbee: Shaffer, D.M., Krauchunas, S.M., Eddy, M. & McBeath, M.K. (2004). How dogs navigate to catch Frisbees. Psychological Science. 15(7), 437-441.
- Uncatchable Fly Balls: Shaffer, D.M. & McBeath, M.K. (2002). Baseball outfielders maintain a linear optical trajectory when tracking uncatchable fly balls. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 28(2), 335-348.
- LOT vs OAC for Balls Headed to the Side: Shaffer, D.M., McBeath, M.K., & Roy, W.L, & Krauchunas, S.M. (2003). A Linear Optical Trajectory informs fielders where to run to the side to catch fly balls. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 29(6), 1244-1250.
- Catching Frisbees and Individual Differences: Shafer, D.M. & McBeath, Krauchunas & Sugar (2008). Evidence for a generic interceptive strategy. Perception & Psychophysics, 70(1),145-157.
- Estimating the Apex: Shaffer, D.M., & McBeath, M.K. (2005). Naïve beliefs in baseball: Systematic distortion in perceived time of apex for fly balls. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory & Cognition. 31(6), 1492-1501.
- Catching Popups with Odd Physics: McBeath, M.K., Nathan, A.M., Bahill, A.T. & Baldwin, D.G. (2008). Paradoxical pop-ups: Why are they hard to catch? American Journal of Physics. 76(8), 723-729.
- Moving Background Gradient: Wang, W., McBeath, M.K., & Sugar, T. (2015). Navigational strategy used to intercept fly balls under real-world conditions with moving visual back-ground fields. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 77(2), 613-625.
- Catching Ground Balls: Sugar, T.G., McBeath, M.K., & Wang, Z. (2006). A unified fielder theory for interception of moving objects either above or below the horizon. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 13(5) 908-917.
- Ground Balls with Complex Trajectories: Wang, W., McBeath, M.K., & Sugar, T. (2015) Optical angular constancy is maintained as a navigational control strategy when pursuing robots moving along complex pathways. Journal of Vision, 15(3), 16+.
- Catching Falling Objects: McBeath, M.K., Sugar, T.G., Morgan, S.E., Oberle, C.D. Mundhra, K., & Suluh, A. (2002). Human and robotic catching of dropped balls and balloons: Fielders still try to make the image of the projectile rise. Journal of Vision. 2(7), 434. (Ms. No. 434). <http://www.journalofvision.org/2/7/434>
- Group Center of Attention in Catching: McBeath, M.K. & Morgan, S.E.. (1999). Baseball outfielders can use group center-of-attention as a guide to fly ball destination. Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society. 4, 55. (Ms. No. 372).
- Hierarchy of Group Center of Attention Cues: Morgan, S.E. & McBeath, M.K. (2004). What’s the point? Determining the group’s center of attention. Journal of Vision. 4(8), 220. (Ms. No. 220). <http://www.journalofvision.org/4/8/220>
Robot & Tech Modeling
- Biomimetic Ball-Catching Robot Model: Sugar, D.G. & McBeath, M.K. (2001). Robotic modeling of mobile ball-catching as a tool for understanding biological interceptive behavior. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 24(6), 1078-1080.
- Intercepting Robot Based on LOT Strategy: Sugar, T.G., & McBeath, M.K. (2001). Spatial navigation algorithms: Applications to mobile robotics. Proceedings of VI 2001 Vision Interface Annual Conference. (pp. 106-113).
- LOT-Based Balloon-Catching Robot: Suluh, A., Mundhra, K., Sugar, T.G., & McBeath, M.K. (2002). Spatial interception for mobile robots. Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. (pp. 4263-4268).
- Active vs Passive Robotic Interception Model: Suluh, A., Sugar, T.G., & McBeath, M.K. (2001) Spatial navigational principles: Applications to mobile robotics. Proceedings of 2001 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. (pp.1689-1694).
- Active vs Passive Robotic Interception: Sugar, T.G., McBeath, M.K., Suluh, A., & Mundhra, K. (2006). Mobile robot interception using human navigational principles: Comparison of active versus passive tracking algorithms. Autonomous Robots. 21(1), 43-54.
- Robots Catching Falling Objects: Mundhra, K., Suluh, A., Sugar, T.G. & McBeath, M.K. (2002). Intercepting a falling object: Digital video robot. Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. (pp. 2060-2065).
- Unified Fielder Model for Fly and Ground Balls: Mundhra, K., Sugar, T.G., & McBeath, M.K. (2003). Perceptual navigation strategy: A unified approach to interception of ground balls and fly balls. Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, (pp. 3461-3466).
- Robots Intercepting Ground Balls: McBeath, M.K., Sugar, T.G., Thompson, M.J. & Mundhra, K. (2003). Catching ground balls: Optical control heuristics used by humans and robots support a unified fielder theory. Journal of Vision. 3(9), 543. (Ms. No. 543). <http://www.journalofvision.org/3/9/543>.
- Robotic Catching on a Hill: Wang, Z., Paranjape, A., Sugar, T.G., & McBeath, M.K. (2006). Perceptual navigation strategy for mobile robots intercepting ground balls. Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, (pp. 2713-2718).
- Robotic Stroke Rehab: McBeath, M.K., DaSilva, F., Sugar, T.G., Wechsler, N.E., & Koenman, J. (2007). Stroke therapy using wearable robots and Ramachandran mirror technique produces functional improvement. Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society. 12, 20. (Ms. No. 128).
- EEG Computer Control: McBeath, M.K., & da Silva, F. (2013). Embodied versus disembodied imagery for EEG Brain-Computer Interface Control. Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society. 18, 35. (Ms. No. 160, p 70). <http://www.psychonomic.org/Assets/136fcabd-d21a-43ed-819e-89605a97cece/635239506032070000/ps-2013-abstract-book-web-pdf>
- Psychology as a Hub Department: McBeath, M.K. & Okun (2010). Psychology as a hub department. ASU Septennial Report. https://www.apa.org/ed/governance/elc/2015/opening-presentation.pdf (p.8)
Naïve Physics & Action
- Sex Differences in Navigational Strategy: Stone, J.P., & McBeath, M.K. (2010). Gender differences in distance estimates when exposed to multiple routes. Environment and Behavior, 42(4), 469-478.
- Basketball Hoop & Traffic Light Illusion: McBeath, M.K. (1992). The basketball hoop illusion. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society. 30(6),453.
- Basketball Hand-in-Face Defense: McBeath, M.K. & Kellman, P.J. (1993). Optimal Defensive Hand Positioning to Limit Basketball Shooting Accuracy. Poster presented at the 34th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Washington DC., November 1993.
- Free Throws Unaffected by Background: Stone, J., Dolgov, I., DaSilva, F. & McBeath, M.K., (2008). Basketball free throw shooting accuracy unaffected by projected background displays showing motion or emotion. Journal of Vision. 8(6). (Ms. No. 1044).
- Basketball Teaching Physics Principles: McBeath, M.K. (In prep.). Basketball experiments used to demonstrate scientific method on physical principles of projectile motion.
- Human Radial Arm Maze: Mennenga, S.E., Baxter, L.E., et al., McBeath, M.K, & Bimonte-Nelson, H.A. (2014). Navigating to new frontiers in behavioral neuroscience: Traditional neuropsychological tests predict human performance on a rodent-inspired radial-arm maze. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 8(294), 1-12.
- Human Radial Arm Maze Memory Capacity 7±2: McBeath, M.K.,Baxter, L.C., Grunfeld, I.S., Mennenga, S.E., Brewer, G.S., & Bimonte-Nelson, H.A. (2014). Performance in a walk-through 11-arm human radial-arm maze is accurately modeled by a memory capacity corresponding to Miller’s famous 7 ± 2. OPAM: Object, Perception, Attention, & Memory, 23, 57. (Ms. No. 57, p. 9 of pdf). <http://www.opam.net/wpcontent/uploads/2014/05/OPAM_2014_Program.pdf>
- Dog Radial Arm Maze and Memory Model: McBeath, M.K., Wynne, C.D.L., Breeden, P.H., Raymond, S., Baxter, L.C., & Bimonte-Nelson, H.A. (2016) Humans and dogs join the rat race: Development of a common metric for defining and comparing behavioral memory capacity across species. Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society. 21, 42. (Ms. No.195, p.42 of pdf). <www.psychonomic.org/resource/resmgr/annual_meeting/2016_meeting/2016PS-Abstracts-11-27.pdf>
- Galileo Bias (Assumption of Common Falling Speed): Oberle, C.D., McBeath, M.K., Madigan, S.C., & Sugar, T.G. (2005). The Galileo Bias: A naïve conceptual belief that influences people’s perceptions and performance in a ball-dropping task. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory & Cognition. 31(4), 643-653.
- Skateboarding Embodied Cognition: McBeath, M.K., Miller, T.S., Zautra, N.G., & Holloway, S.R. (2011). Embodied cognition in skateboarding produces superior performance in the physics judgment task of predicting fastest slope. Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society. 16, 42. (Ms. No. 181, p 73 of pdf). <http://www.psychonomic.org/pdfs/PScompleteProgram2011.pdf>
- Behavioral Inertia (Physics, Biological, & Psychological): McBeath, M.K., Brimhall, S.E., Miller, T.S., & Holloway, S.R. (2010). Naïve curvilinear impetus bias occurs for locomotion. Journal of Vision, 10(7). 1021. (Ms. No. 1021). <http://www.journalofvision.org/10/7/1021>
Naïve Psychophysics of Physics Teachers: McBeath, M.K. & Dye, R.A. (2015). - Naïve psychophysics of physics teachers. Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society, 20,18. (Ms.No.81, p18 of pdf). <http://www.psychonomic.org/Assets/b4eaab4f-1391-4e66-b6f0-f9cf79683621/635824227219800000/ps-2015-abstract-book-web5-pdf>.
- Mass-Effect Bias (Helium Footballs): Brimhall, R., Crawford, T., McBeath, M.K., & Zagami, C. (2011). The mass-effect bias: Lighter objects don’t necessarily go further. OPAM: Object, Perception, Attention, & Memory, 19, 24. (Ms. No. 24, p. 22 of pdf). <http://www.opam.net/opam2011/OpamProgram2011Long.pdf>
- Weighted Bat Warm Up with Children: McBeath, M.K., Hinrichs, R. N., & Babendure, J. (submitted). Weighted-bat warm up enhances bat swing speed in children.
- Judging Pitch Speed – Community Science: McBeath, M.K., Hinrichs, R.N., & Babendure, J.R. (2014). Judging speed of baseball pitches in a batting cage. Journal of Vision, 14(10), 423. <http://www.journalofvision.org/content/14/10/423.abstract?sid=dc399728-5e36-4573-8b0a-fcef91b4ce6b>
- Easter Egg Hunting Strategy: Holloway, S.G., McBeath, M.K., & Van Etten, K.L. (2015). Easter egg hunt winners use competition-density minimizing foraging strategy to “bring home the bacon” (and eggs). Journal of Vision,15(12), 408. doi: https://doi.org/10.1167/15.12.408
Audition & Music Perc.
- Pitch Circularity: Perry, S.R., McBeath, M.K., & Tang T.Y. (in prep.). Simple melodies are well representing using a simple circular chromatic dimension.
- Harmonic Detector Model: McBeath, M.K., Wayand, J. & Patten, K.J. (In prep). The harmonic-detector model.
- Doppler Illusion: Neuhoff, J.G. & McBeath, M.K. (1996) The Doppler illusion: The perception of rising pitch with falling frequency. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 22(4), 970-985.
- Large Size of the Doppler Illusion: McBeath, M.K. & Neuhoff, J.G. (2002). The Doppler Effect is not what you think it is: Dramatic pitch change due to dynamic intensity change. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 9(2), 306-313.
- Doppler Illusion in Physics: Neuhoff, J.G. & McBeath, M.K. (1997) Overcoming naive mental models in explaining the Doppler shift: An illusion creates confusion. American Journal of Physics, 65(7). 618-622.
- Dynamic f0 change Captures Loudness: Neuhoff, J.G., McBeath, M.K., & Wanzie, W.C. (1999) Dynamic frequency change influences loudness perception: A central analytic process. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 25(4), 1050-1059.
- Natural Regularity of f0-Intensity Correlation: Scharine, A.A. & McBeath, M.K. (2019). Natural regularity of correlated acoustic frequency and intensity in music and speech. Auditory Perception & Cognition. doi: 10.1080/25742442.2019.1609307
- f0-Intensity Correlation in Animals: Wilkinson, Z., McBeath, M.K., & Patten, J.K. (2014). When nature calls: Natural regularities guide human perceptual biases. Auditory Perception, Cognition, and Action Meeting (APCAM), Long Beach CA, November 2014. (Ms. No. 1, p. 17 of pdf). <http://apcam.us/APCAM%202014%20Program.pdf>
- Fundamental Illusion: McBeath, M.K., Wilkinson, Z.D., & Patten, K.J. (2014). The Fundamental Illusion: Systematic misperception of the fundamental frequency of calls of extreme-sized animals. Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society. 19, 6. (Ms. No. 27, p 6 of pdf). <http://www.psychonomic.org/Assets/a90b21c9-333a-43f8-83c2-96c001ba1d52/635454216658270000/2014-psychonomic- psychonomic-society-abstract-book-pdf>
- fMRI Harmonicity: Patten, K.J., McBeath, M.K., & Baxter, L.C. (2019). Harmonicity: Behavioral and neural evidence for functionality in auditory scene analysis, Auditory Perception & Cognition, 1-23. doi: 10.1080/25742442.2019.1609307.
- Drum Intensity & Rate Correlation: Johnson, A.G., McBeath, M.K., & Patten, K.J. (2014) Drumming and tempo: The effects of loudness change on tempo perception and action. Auditory Perception, Cognition, and Action Meeting (APCAM), Long Beach CA, November 2014. (Ms. No. 7, p. 11 of pdf). <http://apcam.us/APCAM%202014%20Program.pdf>
- Dundun Drumming and Speech Acoustic Comparison: Durojaye, C., Knowles, K.L., Patten, K.J., Garcia, M.J., & McBeath, M.K. (2021). When music speaks: An acoustic study of the speech surrogacy of the Nigerian dùndún talking drum. Frontiers in Communication. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fcomm.2021.652690
- The Blues Fractal: McBeath, M.K. (In prep.) The blues fractal: History of harmonica and revolution of American music.
Emotion & Aesthetics
- Point-Light Facial Emotion Recognition: Takarae, Y., McBeath, M.K., & Krynen R.C. (2021). Perception of Dynamic Point-Light Facial Expression, American Journal of Psychology.
- Criterion Differences in Hallucinations: Dolgov, I. & McBeath, M.K. (2005). A signal-detection-theory representation of normal and hallucinatory perception. Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 28(6),761-762.
- Cross Cultural Web Icon Preferences: Syarief, A., Giard, J.R., Detrie, T. & McBeath, M.K. (2003). An initial cross-cultural survey of user perception on web icon design for travel websites. Program of the 6th Asian Design International Conference. Ibaraki, Japan, October. http://www.idemployee.id.tue.nl/g.w.mrauterberg/conferneces/CD_doNotOpen/ADC/final_paper/013.pdf
- Comics, Humor, and Toys in Teaching: McBeath, M.K. (2004). Using comics, humor, and hands-on toys in teaching, The Wakonse Arizona E-Newsletter, 2(2), 2. http://clte.asu.edu/wakonse/ENewsletter/comics_feature.htm
- Scat Singing & Natural Regularity of f0: Patten, K.J. & McBeath, M.K. (submitted). Scat Singing and Natural Regularities in the Fundamental Frequency of Vowel Phonemes. Auditory Perception & Cognition.
- The Gleam-Glum Effect: Yu, C.S.P., McBeath, M.K., & Glenberg, A.M. (2021). The gleam-glum effect: /i:/ vs /Ʌ/ phonemes generally carry emotional valence. JEP:LMC.
- Full Model (Gleam-Glum & Wham-Womb Effects): McBeath, Yu, Patten, Greenstein, Lobato, & Glenberg.
Chapter: Yu, C. S. P., McBeath, M.K. & Glenberg, A.M. (2021). Phonemes Convey embodied emotion. Embodied Psychology: Thinking, Feeling, and Acting, Michael Robinson & Laura Thomas, Ed.s, Springer. - Gleam-Glum Effect with Pseudo Words: Yu, Stone, Benitez, & McBeath
- Pictorial Gleam-Glum Effect with Pseudo Words: M.K. McBeath, M.K., Yu, C.S.P. Yu, Barnes, H. & Benitez, V. (2021). Visual-emotional association with vowel phonemes: Support of the Gleam-Glum Effect when paired with visual imagery, poster presented at the 21st annual Vision Sciences Society meeting. Gleam-Glum with Children
- Swear Words More Likely Contain [æ] and [u]: McBeath, M.K. & Patten, K.J. (2020). F you A hole: Swear words are more likely to contain vowels low in harmonicity and tone height, Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society. 25, 100. (Ms.No.233,xp.100). <cdn.ymaws.com/www.psychonomic.org/resource/resmgr/annual_meeting/2020_meeting/2020_abstract_book/PS20_Abstracts_v10_linked _lo.pdf>
- Model Facial Musculature: Yu, Coza, Santello, & McBeath
- Multidimensional Moral Development Model: McBeath (in prep)
- Sex Scandals in History of Psychology: McBeath (in Prep)
- Rock My World: McBeath, M.K. & Baxter, L.C. (2017). Anamorphic 3-D Rock Garden.
- Principal Perceptual Principles: McBeath (in Prep)
Pre-Grad School Pubs
- Extracurricular Creativity: McBeath, M.K. (). Learning that isn’t academic. [Voice of the Student] Learning Today. p. 78-80.
- Electronic Frequency Multiplier Design: McBeath, M.K. (). Converters simplify design of frequency multiplier. Electronics, p. 129 (October 12).
- Digital Gain Controlled Amplifier: McBeath, M.K. (). Digital-to-analog converter simplifies programmable bipolar-output regulator, Electronic Design, p. 162. (May 24).
- Rapid Machine-Language Square Root Algorithm: McBeath, M.K. (). 6800 routine extracts square roots. EDN, p. 111 (September 20).
- Neil Miller’s Rats: A Case Suggestive of a Decline Effect: McBeath, M.K. (). Neal Miller’s rats: A case suggestive of the decline effect outside of the field of parapsychology [Summary]. In R. A. White & R. S. Broughton (Eds.), Research in Parapsychology (pp. 47-48). Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press.
- Negative PK Experiments with SS and ME: Shafer, M.G., McBeath, M.K., Thalbourne, M.A., & Phillips, P.R. (). PK experiments with two special subjects [Summary]. In W. G. Roll, J. Beloff and R. A. White (Eds.), Research in Parapsychology, pp. 66-68. Metuchen, NJ, Scarecrow Press.
- Video Test of Sensing When Being Stared At: McBeath, M.K. (). Video set-up for use in psi staring experiments at the McDonnell Laboratory (MacLab at Wash.U.), Research in Parapsychology.
- Prospect Theory and Micro-PK Fuse Blowing: McBeath, M.K. (). Unpublished data.
- Type A Personality and Sheep-Goat: McBeath, M.K. & Thalbourne, M.A. (1993). A technical note: The relationship between paranormal belief and some variables relevant to Type A behavior patern. Journal of Parapsychology, 57.
- Measuring Bird Vocalization and Heartrate: Evans, C.S., Gaioni, S.J. & McBeath, (1985). A microcomputer system for the measurement of avian heartrate, Bird Behavior, 6, 41-45.
- Award Winning Diaper Poem: McBeath, M.K. (1988). A cotton pickin’ daddy. Tiny Tots Gazette, 6(4), 1.