Visual Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory (Bae)

Welcome to the Visual Cognitive Neuroscience laboratory at Arizona State University! We study neural and cognitive mechanisms that allow us to maintain stable visual experience of the world despite noisy sensory representations. We investigate a broad set of research topics, including visual attention, visual working memory, and perceptual decision making using psychophysics, computational modeling along with EEG/ERPs.
Ongoing projects include:
1) Mind reading of visual information
2) Understanding the limits in visual working memory
3) Interaction between perception and short-term/long-term memoryā€¯
Lab Director and Principal Investigator:
Gi-Yeul Bae, PhD, Assistant Professor
I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology of Arizona State University. I study visual cognition using psychophysics, EEG/ERPs and computational modeling. Check out here to learn more about my research.
Graduate Student
KuoWei Chen
KuoWei is interested in investigating the cognitive mechanisms that underlie decision-making processes when the decision has to be made on the basis of uncertain sensory stimuli. Methodologically, he is interested in using computational modeling and electroencephalography.
Representative publications
Bae, G.Y. (2021). The time course of face representations during perception and working memory maintenance. Cerebral Cortex Communications. https://doi.org/10.1093/texcom/tgaa093
Bansal*, S., Bae*, G.Y., Frankovich, K., Robinson, B., Leonard, C., Gold, J. & Luck, S. (2020). Increased repulsion of working memory representations in schizophrenia. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 129, 845-857. * = co-first author
Bae, G.Y., & Luck, S.J. (2020). Serial dependence in vision: merely encoding the previous-trial target is not enough. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 27, 293-300.
Bae, G.Y. & Luck, S.J. (2019). Reactivation of previous experiences in a working memory task. Psychological Science, 30, 587-595.
Bae, G.Y. & Luck, S.J. (2018). Dissociable decoding of spatial attention and working memory from EEG oscillations and sustained potentials. The Journal of Neuroscience, 38, 409-422.
Bae, G.Y. & Luck, S.J. (2017). Interactions between visual working memory representations. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 79, 2376-2395.
Bae, G.Y., Olkkonen, M., Allred, S., & Flombaum, J. (2015). Why some colors appear more memorable than others: A model combining categories and particulars in color working memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 144, 744-763.
February 25, 2021
Thank you, Jessica, for participating in the very first EEG recording session in the lab! We are now ready to do new EEG studies!
December 10, 2020
A new paper on the temporal dynamics of face representations has been accepted for publication in Cerebral Cortex Communications!
If interested, check out the paper here! https://doi.org/10.1093/texcom/tgaa093
October 10, 2020
VCN and Luck lab @ UC Davis gave a webinar on ERP decoding analysis in the annual meeting of Society for Psychophysiological Research!
September 1, 2020
Welcome our new research assistants: Trevor Angle, Xavier Celaya, Logan Gililland, Dyan Board!
July 24, 2020
Our study on working memory repulsion (in collaboration with Luck lab @ UC Davis, Maryland Psychiatry Center, and Leonard lab @ U.Colorado Denver) has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology! Surprisingly, this paper has been accepted with minor revision in the first round of review (which is very rare).
June 15, 2020
VCN and Steve Luck @ UC Davis will do virtual workshop on ERP decoding analysis on 29-30 June 2020. This is a free event and will be a great opportunity to grasp the core idea of decoding analysis and learn how to implement decoding analysis for your own data set! To attend this event, registration is necessary. Please check here more info!
January 13, 2020
A new study on the decoding working memory representation of Schizophrenia patients has been accepted for publication in NeuroImage:Clinical! Check out Publication page for details about this study.
December 4, 2019
'ASU Now' article featuring Mind Reading is available on-line!
November 23. 2019
Ty has been awarded 2019-2020 Global Sport Institute Seed Grant! This is awesome! Congratulations, Ty!
November 17. 2019
Two great ASU undergraduates, Tessa and Chad, have joint our lab as a research assistant!
October 2. 2019
I gave a talk on EEG decoding at Montreal EEG days meeting (which is a local EEG conference held in Montreal Neurological Institute).
September 30. 2019
A new paper on Serial Dependence in visual cognition has been accepted for publication in Psychonomic Bulletin & Review!
July 1. 2019
I have started a new lab at the Department of Psychology of Arizona State University!