What Can I Do With a Psych Degree?

What Can I Do With a Psych Degree?

A degree in Psychology gives you an understanding of human behavior and an understanding of research methods and analytical thinking. This knowledge prepares you for many career choices including traditional psychology careers and a variety of careers in law, medicine, and business. Click on the sections below to explore where our alumni have gone and hear the advice they have to follow in their footsteps. If you are interested in finding an internship, fill out the form at the bottom of the page! 

Career Overviews

Applied Behavior Analysis Careers

Learn about career options in Applied Behavior Analysis including BCBA's and RBT's.

ABA Careers

Business Careers

Learn about how Psychology positions you well for a career in business, including management, sales, marketing and more!

Business Careers

Education Careers

Learn about how Psychology positions you well for a career in education

Education Careers

Healthcare Careers

Explore how Psychology prepares you for a career in Healthcare, including Nursing and Medical school

Healthcare Careers

Law Careers

Explore how Psychology prepares you for careers in Law

Law Careers

Mental Health Careers

Explore mental health careers

Mental Health Careers

UX Research Careers

Explore research careers like User Experience design, Data analysts and more!

Research Careers

Social Work Careers

Explore social work careers

Social work careers

Statistics Careers

Explore careers based in statistics.

Statistics Careers

Career Area You Are Interested In