Service Inquiry

Service Inquiry

How to start the process:

1. Please complete the inquiry form below to be contacted for a complementary telephone screening. You can also call the clinic at 480-965-7296 and provide general contact information:

  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • Age
  • Email address
  • Phone number

2. You will be placed in a Screening Queue and should expect to be contacted within 7 business days from initial contact/inquiry form date. Please allocate 30-45 minutes to talk with Resident Therapist (Senior level PhD student) to review background/history, answer clinical questions and provide opportunity to ask specific questions about testing, etc. If it is determined that CPC services are not a good fit for your individual needs, referrals will be provided upon request.

3. Once screening is complete you will be put on waitlist status until a clinician (therapist) is assigned your case; the duration clients remain on waitlist range from 3-6 months (Assessments: 6-12 months) and will fluctuate accordingly. Once assigned, you will be contacted directly via phone (by therapist or coordinator) to schedule first intake appointment.

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Let us know if you are submitting this form on behalf of yourself or someone else. To see available service types for children under the age of 18, please select "other" and enter the client age in the field below.
Enter the age of the client you are requesting services for.
1-234-567-8901 or 123-456-7890 format only.
Select the service or service types you or the client is interested in.
Available for participants aged 5 and older, but under 18.
Waitlist Closed: Not Accepting new clients at this time
Available for participants aged 5 and older, but under 18.
Select the assessment you or the client is interested in.
Provide three windows of time that are ideal for us to contact you. Once the inquiry form is submitted, you will receive an email with next steps and what to expect. A resident therapist will contact you within seven days for a complimentary phone screening during regular business hours to determine if CPC services are a good fit for you.