The Problem

Along your path from graduation to your current career, did you ever feel lost? Did you wish someone had been there to help guide you? Our alumni go into a wide variety of careers, ranging from behavioral health, medicine, and law, to human resources, statistics and sales.

Research in Action

Researchers at the Department of Psychology and the ASU REACH Institute have developed several evidence-based programs that focus on improving the lives of children and families. These programs are featured below.

The Resilient Parenting for Bereaved Families (RPBF) Program is a 10 meeting group program designed to promote resilience of bereaved parents and their children following the death of a parent. The program does this by teaching practical tools for parents in the context of a warm and supportive group environment. Tools taught in the program help build what we call the Five Building Blocks of Resilient Parenting.

Access to resources

Applied Behavior Analysis careers focus on the reinforcement of positive behavior to enact long term behavior change.

As an Applied Behavior Analyst, you would create and implement interventions that address social concerns within different populations and settings.

Applied Behavior Analysts work with clients with developmental disorders such as autism, as well as anxiety, various mental illnesses and addictive behaviors.

If you are interested in working with children or with people with behavioral challenges, this is a fulfilling field with high demand.


The ASU Department of Psychology is ranked as one of the best doctoral programs in the country. The faculty is made up of some of the brightest, most innovative academic minds in the world. Our professors conduct research and teach on a broad array of substance use disorder topics, including:


Addiction and substance abuse is one of America’s top public health problems and there is a growing need for a well-trained workforce.  A career in substance abuse counseling can be incredibly rewarding and offers a wide variety of experiences. Jobs are available in substance abuse treatment centers, community mental health agencies, primary care, integrated health, criminal justice, hospitals, schools and universities, and military and Veteran’s Affairs.