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Fiji: Multicultural Psychology Summer Experience

Program Director: Dr. Delia Saenz, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology

Join us for 3.5 weeks in paradise while earning 6 hours of credit and hands-on research experience! Fiji is an English-speaking island nation in the South Pacific that is unparalleled in its exquisite natural beauty; the amazing hospitality of its people; and a favorable exchange rate to help your study abroad dollars go further.

Scientific research is continuously being conducted across the department's 40+ labs — many of these studies need research participants and several offer opportunities to earn money for participating. As a research participant, your identity would always be safeguarded and kept completely confidential. All research activities at ASU must meet federal regulations for the protection of participants to ensure ethical treatment, voluntary participation, and the protection of your rights as a research subject.

Why do we act the way we do? What is the connection between your brain and your behavior? How can we manage stress and emotion? Explore these and other fascinating questions in a minor that enhances any degree program with knowledge you can apply to everyday life.


The minor program in psychology focuses on appreciating and understanding the human condition from a scientific, psychological point of view.