Who should I contact for the following issues? Click the link to open an email to that person:
- Staff or student worker Hiring: Contact Theresa Lopez for hiring UG RAs, new project managers, etc
- Steve’s Calendar: Grace Jolly
- Budgets: Silke Krueger
- HR questions: Silke Krueger
- Monthly Reports: Jessica Jensen
- Scholarships: Jessica Jensen
- Faculty: Contact Kristin Judd
- Course Scheduling: Kristin Judd
- Events: Grace Jolly
- Ordering supplies: Student Worker email, purchasing email
- Scheduling rooms: Depends on the room
- Travel help: Kay Vasley(local and state)
- Facilities: Sharon Kenyon
- Marketing: Rob Ewing
- IT needs: Submit an IT ticket for any IT related questions.
- Reimbursements: depends on for what, either contact Kay Vasley or Student worker
- H-1B Visa questions: Kristin Judd
- J-1 Visa questions: Theresa Lopez
- FMLA, parental leave, medical leave: Theresa Lopez