Psychology Engagement Team (PET)

Psychology Engagement Team (PET)

Psychology Engagement Team (PET)


Our goal is to have fun while we provide outreach to the community in ways that can have a positive impact on someone’s life. Even if you participate in other student groups or through a sorority/fraternity, PET will provide you with an opportunity to meet other psychology majors who share your interests and may have common career goals. Through PET, you can build lasting connections for life after college and into grad school and jobs.  Check out Facebook  and more and Get Psyched!


Each year PET plans and participates in a wide variety of events to get Psychology students connected to the discipline, the department, and their peers. We also plan a research lab fair in which many labs from the department are invited. PET helps you progress in the psychology field by developing a strong resume and providing guidance for your career. We believe each psychology student deserves the opportunity to look for what they need. Our meetings consist on talks and activities that will help you get insight on the psychology field, strengthening friendships with our fellow peers through discussion of psychology and mental health. PET is a great way to meet fellow students and faculty members that can provide guidance for your development within the field.

Upcoming Meeting Dates:

  • 01/17 Intro & Games
  • 01/31 Psychology fields talk
  • 02/14 Graduate Student Panel
  • 02/28 Resume workshop and Career paths
  • 03/13 Research Lab Fair
  • 03/27 Fun Event!
  • 04/10 Faculty Talk
  • 04/24 Study Session

Officers & Advisors for Academic Year 2023-2024

President: Tabatha Rush
Vice President: Rachel Cox
Director of Finance: Emma Podczaski
Director of Marketing: Daniel Marre-Surges​​​​​​​
Director of History: Camryn Covarrubias​​​​​​​
Secretary: Maximo Prieto

Club email to be added:
Department of Psychology Staff Advisor: Carolyn Cavanaugh-Toft, Dr. Pedram

Link to Instagram

The PET Officers pose for a photo.

Front Row (Left to Right): Rachel Cox (Vice President), Camryn Covarrubias (Historian), Emma Podczaski (Finance Director

Back Row (Left to Right): Daniel Marre-Surges (Marketing Director) , Tabatha Rush (President), Maximo Prieto (Secretary)

Psychology Engagement Team

Tabatha Rush

Tabatha Rush smiles at the camera.

Rachel Cox

 Rachel Cox smiles at the camera.

Emma Podczaski

Emma Podczaski smiles at the camera.

Daniel Marre-Surges

Daniel Marre-Surges

Camryn Covarrubias

Maximo Prieto

Maximo Prieto smiles at the camera.