2022 Honors Thesis Colloquium

2022 Honors Thesis Colloquium

April 14, 2022

2022 Best Honors Thesis Finalists

  • Lauren Paxton
    Between-Family and Within Family Predictors of Educational Attainment
    Faculty Mentor: Laurie Chassin

  • Ashley Rivard
    Effects of Comorbid Anxiety on Working Memory, Behavioral Inhibition, and Sustained Attention Performance among Children Diagnosed with ADHD
    Faculty Mentor: Lauren Friedman

  • Tatum Zapp
    Extending the Wham-Womb Effect: Mapping Vowel Phonemes onto the Emotional Dimension of Arousal using Cartoon Illustrations
    Faculty Mentor: Mike McBeath

External Examiners: 

  • Kevin King, PhD Professor of Psychology University of Washington
  • Mark Rapport, PhD Professor of Psychology and Director of the Clinical Training Program University of Central Florida
  • Lawrence Rosenblum, PhD Professor of Psychology University of California, Riverside


10:40 a.m. - Lauren Paxton Thesis defense
11:25 a.m. - Lunch
11:55 a.m. - Tatum Zapp Thesis defense
12:40 a.m. - Ashley Rivard Thesis defense
3:00 p.m. - Thesis Poster Session
4:00 p.m. - Awards Ceremony

Completed Thesis Posters From 2021-22 Cohort:

Cora Baron
Exploring how Relationship Difficulties and Conflicts might Build Character
Faculty Mentor: Doug Kenrick

Brent Brown
Dynamical Analysis of Heart Rate Variability and Personality
Faculty Mentor: Nia Amazeen

Gregory Carnesi
Mental Health Status and History of Suicidality as Predictors of Suicide Note Leaving Behavior
Faculty Mentors: Holly O’Rourke and Gene Brewer

Isobel Conroy
COVID-19 Related Stress, Mental Health, and Alcohol Use Outcomes among College Students: Examining the Moderating Role of Emotion Regulation
Faculty Mentor: Jinni Su

Ashton Flake
Activity Level as a Mechanism in the Relation Between Neighborhood Danger and Children’s Sleep
Faculty Mentor: Kathy Lemery Chalfant

Emily Goblirsch
A Comparison of Self-Explanation and Note-Taking for Improving Scientific Text Comprehension
Faculty Mentor: Danielle McNamara

Megan Hall
Effects of a Brief Exposure to Nature or Social Media on Psychological Well-Being
Faculty Mentor: Virginia Kwan

Briggs Kellogg
Evaluating Social Intelligence Training: Personality as a Predictor
Faculty Mentor: Frank Infurna

Anya Kolodisner
Coding Dogs' Behavior to Determine their Preferences in Interactions to Improve Their Welfare in Animal Shelters
Faculty Mentor: Clive Wynne

Kaitlyn Ligas
Humor Based Coping: For Which Negative Emotions do we Use Humor?
Faculty Mentor: Lani Shiota

Annie Ong
The Direct and Indirect Links from Facets of Childhood Trauma to Arousability, Impaired Control, Alcohol Use, & Alcohol-related Problems
Faculty Mentor: Julie Patock-Peckham

Lauren Paxton
Between-Family and Within Family Predictors of Educational Attainment
Faculty Mentor: Laurie Chassin

Ashley Rivard
Effects of Comorbid Anxiety on Working Memory, Behavioral Inhibition, and Sustained Attention Performance among Children Diagnosed with ADHD
Faculty Mentor: Lauren Friedman

Salma Salem
Age of Divorce, Parenting Time, and Later Relationships
Faculty Mentor: Bill Fabricius

Nadeen Salti
The Exploration of Neuroticism as a Mediating Mechanism between Trauma and Alcohol-related Problems
Faculty Mentor: Julie Patock-Peckham

Maitreya Thomas
Uncertainty, Anxiety, and the Future Self: A Normalization Manipulation
Faculty Mentor: Virginia Kwan

Kaitlin Van Houghton
Full Attention Location Biases in Image Processing in Young Children
Faculty Mentor: Kelsey Lucca

Tatum Zapp
Extending the Wham-Womb Effect: Mapping Vowel Phonemes onto the Emotional Dimension of Arousal using Cartoon Illustrations
Faculty Mentor: Mike McBeath