

Psychology Post-Award Staff Contacts




Reimbursement Process


As a Principal Investigator (PI), it is important to know your responsibilities and key functions related to your sponsored project.

ASU Policy RSP 103: Principal Investigator Responsibilities

Provides a detailed list of all PI responsibilities throughout the award life cycle from proposal preparation to award closeout.

  • Progress/Compliance Reports:
    • The PI is responsible for completing award required progress reports, including annual and final, in coordination with assigned PSY RAA staff. The PI should notify the assigned PSY RAA at least 1 month prior to the deadline, so that staff can assist in helping you complete the report.
  • Financial Information:
    • The PI is responsible for ensuring all project spending is allowable, allocable, and justified.
    • PSY RAA staff will provide project financial information, including current and projected expenses, as well as work with you on a financial plan to ensure your project needs are met.
  • Special Reviews:
    • The PI is responsible for ensuring all project protocols and special reviews, including IRB, IACUC, Biosafety, EH&S, Export Controls, are in approved status throughout the award period of performance.
    • Visit the Office of Research Integrity and Assurance (ORIA) website for information on requirements for special reviews:
  • Subrecipient Monitoring:
    • Federal regulations have placed an added layer of responsibility on the investigators and their respective institutions to ensure that sub-recipients are completing tasks and remain compliant with laws and applicable regulations. At ASU, a number of best practices and procedures have been put in place to manage sub-recipients.
    • The PI is responsible for reviewing and approving invoices. When approving the invoice, the PI is certifying that they are satisfied with the progress/results of the subawardee.
  • Expense Management:
    • The PI is responsible for working with PSY RAA staff on project related purchases and reimbursements to ensure compliance to all university policies and procedures


Once the award is formally accepted by ASU and a sponsored grant account is established, the following steps are performed:

  • A Post-Award Research Advancement Administrator (PSY RAA) will be assigned to work with you on managing your project and will schedule a kick-off meeting to review the following:
    • Review the award notice and terms and conditions
    • Review project activity and budget
    • Review timeline of startup activity

Your assigned PSY RAA will continue to work with you on ongoing project activities, including completing compliance reports, tracking and projecting expenses, and facilitating project purchases and travel requests.

As a Principle Investigator (PI), it is important to know your responsibilities and key functions related to your sponsored project. Here we provide an over of items that you will be responsible for managing related to your sponsored award.

  • ASU Policy RSP 103: Principal Investigator Responsibilities
    • Provides a detailed list of all PI responsibilities throughout the award life cycle from proposal preparation to award closeout.
  • Progress/Compliance Reports:
    • The PI is responsible for completing award required progress reports, including annual and final, in coordination with assigned PSY RAA staff. The PI should notify the assigned PSY RAA at least 1 month prior to the deadline, so that staff can assist in helping you complete the report.
  • Progress Report information:
National Institutes of Health (NIH)Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR)
National Science Foundation (NSF)About Project Reports
  • Financial Information:
    • The PI is responsible for ensuring all project spending is allowable, allocable, and justified.
    • PSY RAA staff will provide project financial information, including current and projected expenses, as well as work with you on a financial plan to ensure your project needs are met.
  • Special Reviews 
    • The PI is responsible for ensuring all project protocols and special reviews, including IRB, IACUC, Biosafety, EH&S, Export Controls, are in approved status throughout the award period of performance.
    • Visit the Office of Research Integrity and Assurance (ORIA) website for information on requirements for special reviews:
  • Subrecipient Monitoring
    • Federal regulations have placed an added layer of responsibility on the investigators and their respective institutions to ensure that sub-recipients are completing tasks and remain compliant with laws and applicable regulations. At ASU, a number of best practices and procedures have been put in place to manage sub-recipients.
    • The PI is responsible for reviewing and approving invoices. When approving the invoice, the PI is certifying that they are satisfied with the progress/results of the subawardee.
  • Expense Management 
    • The PI is responsible for working with PSY RAA staff on project related purchases and reimbursements to ensure compliance to all university policies and procedures
    • PSY RAA Operations page

Award Management information:

Office for Research and Sponsored Projects AdministrationORSPA
Office of Research Integrity and AssuranceORIA

The PI is responsible for ensuring their sponsored project is closed out appropriately.

  • Coordinate close-out activity with your assigned PSY RAA staff.
    • Best practice is to review the project at least 90 days prior to the project end date in the event a no-cost extension is required.
  • Refer to the PI Checklist for Award Close Out for a list of close-out actions.
    • Items to review as part of the award close-out process:
  • Wrap up subject payments.
  • Close bank account and cancel Pcard.
  • Review account changes to gas cylinder and DACT charges.
  • Confirm all outstanding purchase orders are processed and paid.
  • Destroy mail bar codes.
    • Complete and submit project Final Report.
  • The PI completes the final progress report in coordination with assigned PSY RAA staff.

Contact your assigned PSY RAA at least 1 month in advance of the deadline to coordinate efforts to ensure on-time submission.

PI Checklist Award Close Out